Tips for tour in Beijing

Before you leave your home to have holidays in Beijing, you should learn some of the local regulation and life style for your convinnience and your tour safe.

1: You don’t take too much cash with you, ATM and banks can be found very easy in the city, creded card in most of the shops and hotels is acceptable. Most of the hotels and banks can change money for you.
2: Water can not be drunk from the tape of the room in your hotel, you should drink boiled water or bottle water for your health.
3: Do not following strangers to shops or bars, otherwise, your will be in trouble.
4:Please take the legal taxi, the hotel staff can ask for you, when you take taxi outside,all the legal taxi with a diferent color and sign on the top of the car, also pay attention on the license plate of the taxi, the first letter should be ‘B’ on the license plate.
5: Emergency number for calling Police: 110;     Number for calling ambulance: 120 or 999
6:.It is not a good idea to visit China on the begaining of May, and the begaining Oct, it is extremly busy at the attractions because of the Chinese holidays.

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Before you leave your home to have holidays in Beijing, you should learn some of the local regulation and life style for your convinnience and your tour safe.

1: You don’t take too much cash with you, ATM and banks can be found very easy in the city, creded card in most of the shops and hotels is acceptable. Most of the hotels and banks can change money for you.
2: Water can not be drunk from the tape of the room in your hotel, you should drink boiled water or bottle water for your health.
3: Do not following strangers to shops or bars, otherwise, your will be in trouble.
4:Please take the legal taxi, the hotel staff can ask for you, when you take taxi outside,all the legal taxi with a diferent color and sign on the top of the car, also pay attention on the license plate of the taxi, the first letter should be ‘B’ on the license plate.
5: Emergency number for calling Police: 110;     Number for calling ambulance: 120 or 999
6:.It is not a good idea to visit China on the begining of May, and the begining Oct, it is extremly busy at the attractions because of the Chinese holidays.

Tickets information

The entrance ticekts should be booked in advance, other wise you can not get in without tickets reservation, especilly during busy season.

Tickets can be booked online through each attraction's official website, also we can book tickets for you.