
PekingMan Site located in Zhoukoudian Fangshan District of Beijing , 55km south west of the city, in 1987 December it was approved as a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO.
In 1929, Chinese paleontologist Pei Wenzhong found in this primitive human teeth, bones and a complete skull. And to find the ” Beijing people” life, hunting and the use of the fire remains, confirmed that 500,000years ago the Beijing area for human activities. Archaeologists have begun to explore here, an intact ape-man skull were found here dating back about 600,000 years ago , known as the Beijing ape-man (Peking Man ).


In the Peking Man site found fossils of 6 intact skull , 147teeth, thighbone, lower jawbone, and femurs, tibia, belong to more than 40men and women, old and young individuals.
In 1937 due to Japanese imperialism launched war of aggression against China,”Pekingman” cave excavationwork was interrupted, in the Pacific War in 1941 around, all the fossils fell in several American hands, theirwhereabouts is still a mystery

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PekingMan Site located in Zhoukoudian Fangshan District of Beijing , 55km south west of the city, in 1987 December it was approved as a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO.
In 1929, Chinese paleontologist Pei Wenzhong found in this primitive human teeth, bones and a complete skull. And to find the ” Beijing people” life, hunting and the use of the fire remains, confirmed that 500,000years ago the Beijing area for human activities. Archaeologists have begun to explore here, an intact ape-man skull were found here dating back about 600,000 years ago , known as the Beijing ape-man (Peking Man ).


In the Peking Man site found fossils of 6 intact skull , 147teeth, thighbone, lower jawbone, and femurs, tibia, belong to more than 40men and women, old and young individuals.
In 1937 due to Japanese imperialism launched war of aggression against China,”Pekingman” cave excavationwork was interrupted, in the Pacific War in 1941 around, all the fossils fell in several American hands, theirwhereabouts is still a mystery

Tickets information

The entrance ticekts should be booked in advance, other wise you can not get in without tickets reservation, especilly during busy season.

Tickets can be booked online through each attraction's official website, also we can book tickets for you.