Tour services for the Great Wall.

The Great wall, located in northern part of China, it crosses 9 provinces and regions, totally length get 5,000km, but the most part of the wall destroyed naturally, or artificial damaged, best preseved part of the Great wall located in Beijing. We provide Beijing tour services to the Great Wall,  at the different locations upon your requests.  Check more details for the Great wall tour price>>>.

1 Day tour services(Visit the Forbidden City and the Great Wall).

1 Day tour Service in Beijing, is a common tour service arrangment in Beijing. For those tourists visit Beijing without much time, like airport lay over tour, day off of business in Beijing, only one day time for Beijing tour, we can still provide Beijing tour serveices to visit essential tour spots, and learn the basical chinese cuture. The one day tour, mostly we arrange you to vivit the Great wall,  and the The Forbidden city. Click for details of the one day Beijing tour price>>.

2 Days Tour Services in Beijing.

2 full days can visit most of the popular tourist attraction in Beijing, such as the great wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer palace, the Temple of Heaven,… Click for details and price>>>.

Package tour Services.

 It is the most popular tour arrangment, for most of the tourists all over the world, it helps you make the tour easy, comfortable, safe and informationable. The tour will take 3-4 days, to visit the famous tourist attractions, accommodation and airport transportation would be arranged by our team  professionally, check  more details and price>>>.

Transportation, part of  tour services in Beijing.

We provide transportation services, such as airport to hotel in the downtown, railway station to hotel, cruise ship to Beijing city. All  the services you will need when you come to Beijing for business, holidays, airplane transferring, the service can make the transition in Beijing easy, safe and save time , check details and price>>>.